Cyber Liability

Safeguard Your Finances, Time & Reputation

Cyber Liability Insurance Tailored to Your Exposures

With the online world moving faster and bad actors growing more sophisticated in their quest to wreak havoc, cyber liability insurance protects your business and helps you recover in the event of a cyberattack. 

Cyber liability insurance protects your business’ finances, helps minimize disruptions, and protects your reputation.

Types of Cyber Liability Protection

There are two types of cyber liability insurance:

  • First-party helps you recover the costs you would suffer after an attack.
  • Third-party shields you from claims by others who suffered due to the attack on your business. 

While coverage varies by policy, cyber liability insurance often covers: 

  1. Data breach response: includes notifying those affected and offering credit monitoring services. 
  2. Cyber extortion: expenses related to dealing with ransomware attacks.
  3. Data recovery and restoration.
  4. Legal expenses.
  5. Business interruption: lost income and additional expenses due to the incident. 
  6. Cybercrime. Examples include, but are not limited to: 
    • Phishing
    • Identity theft
    • Hacking
    • Fraudulent online transactions

Here to help.

Anthony Zimny

Anthony Zimny, CIC, AAI

President, Client Advisor
Josh Meyers

Josh Meyers, CIC

Vice President, Client Advisor

They’re professional and easy to do business with.

Zimny has been very helpful in recommending the right coverage to meet my needs.


We wanted to find someone (hopefully local) who could insure all aspects of our business.

We also wanted to have an open line of communication... And we found that with Zimny!


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